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Creating Weapon Sways

Creating weapon sways is basically combining different sways to build your own weapon sway. You choose the source, the type and the direction of your sway and create a single directional sway. You're free to build your sway as you want, it can move in every direction or only in one direction.


I recommend to check out the presets provided with the plugin and taking them as examples or as a starting point for your own weapon sway.


Here you select what will drive the sway. You can choose between two sources, either Movement or Camera.

Movement per default uses the velocity of your actor as the source of this sway. It can also use:

  • PlayerInput(Custom) This will use the custom values provided to the component by SetMovementInputValues.
  • EnhancedPlayerInput Here you can provide an Input Action that will feed the movement values to the component.
  • Sequencer Here a custom velocity is calculated, i used it in the sequencer, since sequencer takes don't have velocity values.

Camera uses the rotation of the selected camera, or the first camera it finds in the actor.

Source direction

Depending on what you chose, you have two different sets of directions to choose from as your source.

Here you choose which movement directions drives your weapon sway:

  • Forward Backward(X)
  • Left Right(Y)
  • Up Down(Z)

Here you choose which rotation from your camera drives your weapon sway. You can choose between two directions:

  • Up Down(Pitch)
  • Left Right(Yaw)


Here you choose how this sway manipulates the weapon sway source. Tilt rotates(tilts) the weapon, Location moves the weapon on a 3d plane(X and Y and Z).

Depending on what you choose as Type you get different options.

You now have the option to choose a Rotational Direction. You'll get to choose from three different options:

  • UpDown Rotates the mesh upwards or downwards.
  • RightLeftRoll Rolls the mesh to the left or right.
  • RightLeftYaw Rotates the mesh to the left or right around its own axis.

You now have the option to choose a Locational Direction. The options are self explanatory, either you move the weapon to left and right, forwards and backwards or up and down.


Here you choose how you'd like to blend the sway, you have many different options the engine provides you with.

Blend Speed

Here you choose how fast this sway blends and reaches it final destination in seconds.



You can also define a weight for the whole weapon sway, or a single sway. This is useful if you want to quickly prototype sways and don't want to change every single value.